Haemon Symbolism in Antigone

1.      The first symbol that represents the personality of Haemon is a dog. The reason for this is because like a dog, Haemon is very obedient. He truly demonstrates his obedience while saying, "I am your son sir; by your wise decisions my life is ruled, and them I shall always obey"(Sophocles 143). Haemon also proves how loyal he is to his father, just like how loyal a dog is to its master.


2.     The second symbol that represents the personality of Haemon is the yang part of the yin-yang symbol. There are several reasons for this. In ancient Chinese tradition, the yin-yang together symbolize cosmic unity. The yin part, which is black, represents male dominance. The yang, which represents females and is white, balances everything out to create cosmic unity. Haemon does just this, because his dad, Creon is very insecure he doesn't like anything that challenges his authority. Haemon is almost exactly like the yang in Chinese tradition because he balances out his father's evil, and also acts a bit feminine. Creon even recognizes that Haemon is "on the woman's side"(Sophocles 146).


3.     The third symbol that represents the personality of Haemon is the owl. It is pretty obvious that the owl is one of the wisest animals around. The owl is also nocturnal, which means they are asleep during the day and awake during night. Owls are able to see in the dark, which is exactly how Haemon sees. When Creon sentences Antigone to execution, Haemon knows that this is not lawful because she was only doing something that the gods commanded. Haemon saw right through his fathers plan and knew that it wouldn't fail, but the consequences would be a tragedy. Haemon is also incredibly wise, and when ever argues with his father, is a worthy debater because he doesn't". wish to be clever enough to prove you wrong"(Sophocles 144).


4.     The fourth symbol that represents the personality of Haemon is a broken heart. The reason as to why this represents him is because he is unsure of what to do. Listen to his father and let his wife be executed, or stand up for his wife and try to get her to not be killed. In the end his heart goes with his wife. He stands up for her and doing so dies with her. When "she dies, she does not die alone"(Sophocles 146). He may have died but he did it for the right reason, love, what a heart symbolizes.

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